Ep 34: Motherhood Mindset Shifts


Bringing little humans into the world bears with it the heavy realization that we're responsible for making sure they grow up with the right skills, values, and lessons to be good adults. It's a thought that can literally keep us up at night. 

Over the years, Lara's learned that while we do need to teach our young ones, we're also still humans living a human experience. In today's episode, she shares three powerful, yet subtle, mindset shifts of motherhood that will hopefully bring things back to center and bring a little peace to your heart.

This Episode is For You If: 

  • You've ever felt an urgency to fill your kids up with all the important lessons as soon as you can 
  • You feel burdened by the responsibility of ensuring they become good humans in the world 
  • You feel a lot of guilt about not being good enough, making mistakes, or not showing up the way you intend  

Click HERE to watch this video to learn The 3 Things to Avoid When Reading Self-Help Books

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Ep 28: What My Birth Story Can Teach You About Goals


After a few weeks of maternity leave, Lara Johnson is back with an all-new episode for the Mom on Purpose Podcast and boy, does she have a story to tell. Lara shares the intimate details of her son's birth and the powerful lessons that came from it; lessons that are going to help you, today, make progress on your goals. 

 What you'll learn in this episode:

  • Lara's birth story and how it followed the same cycle as goal setting
  • How to handle stagnation in your goal progress
  • What roadblocks and challenges really mean
  • How to adjust expectations
  • Just how close greatness is when you think all is lost

Chasing down dreams is a wild, challenging, painful process, but in the end, when you're looking at the wonder you created, it's all worth it. 

Listen now to learn how to put it all together. 

Click HERE to watch this video to learn The 3 Things to Avoid When Reading Self-Help Books

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com


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Ep 19 Create Gratitude by Letting Go of "Negative Gratitude"


Do you try to "look at the brighter side" anytime you feel negative emotions? If so, you are practicing "Negative Gratitude." Instead, take a deeper dive into your positive and negative emotions so that you can create a joyful gratitude practice that honors what you feel while fueling your daily life.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The more we try to fix emotions we don't want, the more we amplify them 
  • Why allowing others to be seen and heard is the most loving thing 
  • "Looking at the brighter side" is not always the best advice
  • Emotions are simply vibrations in our body that we label "good/bad"
  • How to see feelings as waves that rise and then fall away
  • Feeling an emotion we don't like does not mean something has gone wrong
  • How to see emotions as cyclical and be willing to experience the full range 
  • The most loving question we can ask before "spewing negative gratitude"
  • How deep breathing allows you to "blow into the vibration" of feelings
  • The 3 steps to create a daily
  • ...
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Ep 15 How to Avoid the “Back to School Bonk


As you crawl to the close of summer, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking life will be easier once school starts. But, if experience has taught you anything, you know you’re trading one kind of crazy for another.

When this happens, it’s easy to hit a wall with your energy reserves. This means you stop playing and being present with your family, and go into “hulk mode” because you have so much to do.

But there’s another way to keep your energy levels up while still managing the crazy and being the present, playful mom you want to be.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What it means to hit the “Back to School Bonk;”
  • 5 things to keep your energy reserves up;
  • How to mentally prepare for the next big transition;
  • Systems you can do to support yourself during this transition;
  • How to increase your energy reserves in preparation for the transition;
  • Ways to celebrate the HUGE success you’ve had this summer!

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com


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Ep 14 7 Tips for Dealing with the Storms of Life


It’s not a matter of IF the Storms of Life will happen, it’s a matter of WHEN. These can be big life events, or small like a busy season with kids’ activities, before your period, prepping for vacations, or transitioning to summer break.

Regardless of the storm and it's size, it’s essential for you to have the skills to support yourself through it. This will help the storm be less painful and more filled with self-love, compassion, and empathy.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why your brain freaks out when a life storm happens;
  • What happens to your body during a life storm;
  • How to stay calm for yourself and your family;
  • 7 tips to support yourself during a storm.

Want the Shit Shame Storm checklist? It includes all 7 steps to help you support yourself through any storm life brings to you.

Click here to receive your free checklist:
Shit Shame Storm Checklist

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/j.lara.johnson/


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Ep 10 Three Steps To Dealing With Your Kid’s Anger


Anger is an emotion that everyone has, but it’s exhausting when your kids feel it. You find yourselves refereeing sibling arguments, yelling at them to stop, then feeling guilty for showing up that way, and discouraged on how to help when they are angry.

You are not alone. Every mom,  kid, and family feels anger. Learning the tools to help your kid through their anger will bring more peace to your house. And you’ll feel better because you are being the calm mom you want to be.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why anger isn’t a problem;
  • How to get curious about your kid’s emotions;
  • How to help your kid deal with their anger better;
  • How anger can be a tool for connection instead of disconnection;
  • How to look for clues to better understand your kid’s anger;
  • When to talk about consequences after an anger episode.

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/j.lara.johnson/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/larajohnsoncoaching

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Ep 7 Fill Your Tank By Following Your Joy


You are EXPERT at getting things done. But, your tank of energy is always empty. Well-meaning people suggest that you need to lower your expectations or leave the mess because your kids are “only little once.”

That advice DOESN’T work because you can’t have naked, starving kids running around. There are some things that HAVE TO get done. So you stay stuck in this vicious cycle of exhaustion. 

Until now. I will teach you how to break the cycle so you can live your life on purpose and WITH purpose.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • That joy is the first step to understanding your purpose.
  • The faulty thinking society has about joy;
  • What joy is and how you feel it;
  • How to follow your joy so that you can understand your gifts and talents;
  • The simple tools to feel joy more often in your life;
  • How to use joy to fuel your energy tank.

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/j.lara.johnson/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/larajohns...

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Ep 6 Discover Your Purpose with This Proven Formula


There’s something calling inside of you. It shows up when you’re watching Moana stare at the ocean or when you’re singing The Greatest Showman’s “A Million Dreams” song. You tell yourself it’s not the right time or season, yet the ringing inside of you doesn’t stop. In fact, it’s growing louder and more painful every day.

These are symptoms that God is calling you to something more. And that more is what you are on this earth to do. That is your purpose. Once you learn how to discover it, you will step into a current that will take you to places you once only dreamed of. And you’ll do that WHILE being the present, playful mom you want to be.

What you'll learn in this episode:

  • What this feeling is inside of you;
  • The 3 most common myths about your purpose;
  • How answering your purpose HELPS you in motherhood;
  • How to work in partnership with God in answering your purpose;
  • The proven AND simple formula that will help you discover YOUR purpose.

Mentioned in this episode:

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Ep 5 How To Fall In Love With Yourself


Do you seek external validation, attention or praise from other people? Does it feel forced to say nice things to yourself? Are you constantly pointing out your flaws or deflecting compliments? If so, you are lacking self-love. And this lack is seeping into every aspect of your life.

Self-love isn’t just saying nice things to yourself. It comes from FEELING love for who you are, flaws and all. As you develop this kind of self-love, your ability to love others around you increases and that directly impacts and improves the relationships that matter most to you.  

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why you’re trying to talk yourself into self-love and why it isn’t working;
  • Why your “love bucket” is empty and what you can do to fill it;
  • How to overcome your fear of being selfish when you’re loving yourself;
  • The 3 simple steps to fall in love with yourself;
  • How this love helps you feel joy and improves every relationship in your life.

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.lara...

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Ep 4 Create a Strong Foundation by Getting to Know Yourself


“Who are you?” Answering this question before kids, marriage, and life was easier. Because much of who you were was based on what you did. Now, years into motherhood, what you did has changed, and so has the relationship you have with yourself. This leaves you feeling lost and frustrated.

It's time to change that. Once you get to know WHO you are, you will build a strong foundation for every aspect of your life. You feel more alive, fulfilled, and confident. You will show up differently in your marriage, motherhood, home managing, work, relationships, all of it. It’s time for you to know and embrace who you are.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why you lost your reference points of who you are after kids;
  • The mental blocks that are keeping you from knowing yourself;
  • How to build a strong foundation for the rest of your life to be built on;
  • The 5 simple steps to know WHO you are.

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/j....

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