BONUS Episode Busy Moms' Book Club - Think Again by Adam Grant

book club mom on purpose Jun 27, 2022

Every month, The Busy Moms' Book Club meets virtually over Zoom. You do not have to read the book to join. I read the book, then will teach it to you and how to apply it.

It's the best because you can get ALL the goodness  books have to offer in an hour. Because we all know you loved Cliff Notes for your book reports as a kid ;)

This month was Adam Grant's book, Think Again. So if you ever...

  • Have a fear of doing things the "right way;"
  • Get worried that your confidence could come across as arrogant;
  • Think you need MORE confidence before you can reach your goals;
  • Get frustrated when people don't take your advice even though you know it will help;
  • Avoid conflict by pushing down what you're feeling...

Then this month's book is for you! Enjoy!

Book Club Information:

Click here to join: The Busy Moms' Book Club
Book club replays: Youtube Channel

Click HERE to watch this video to learn The 3 Things to Avoid When Reading Self-Help Books

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