[BONUS EPISODE] Quiet, the Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

book club mom on purpose Oct 05, 2022

Bonus Episode: Busy Moms' Book Club : Quiet, the Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking  by Susan McCain.

If you identify as an introvert, you're in good company with  Eleanor Roosevelt, Gandhi and Rosa Parks and Warren Buffet to name a few. 

Every month, The Busy Moms' Book Club meets virtually over Zoom. You do not have to read the book to join. I read the book, then will teach it to you and how to apply it.

It's the best because you can get ALL the goodness  books have to offer in an hour. Because we all know you loved Cliff Notes for your book reports as a kid ;)

You'll know this book is for you if ...

  • You dislike small talk, and would rather discuss “deep” topics you care about
  • You need downtime after spending time with others, even if you loved it
  • You feel like the “noise” of motherhood and life is a lot for your body
  • You feel like you are flawed for not being more sociable

In this book club, I will share with you the history, research, and examples of the difference between extroverts and introverts; and how harnessing your introverted superpowers can help you change the world.

In a nation of extroverts we are told to be "bold" as an individual, and that if we are not, the underlying message is that we are fundamentally flawed, and therefore not as good as someone who is more outgoing.

Instead, Quiet shows us how to honor who we are, and see that we can succeed and be happy and embrace our introversion, instead of shunning it. 

For more information, visit larajohnsoncoaching.com/podcast 

Book Club Information:

Click here to join: The Busy Moms' Book Club

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