Ep 23 Letting Go of Doing It Right

Uncategorized Oct 19, 2022

Sometimes God and the Universe has a funny way of poo poo-ing our plans, and that's okay.  Yes, you may have created a plan, and maybe it didn't go the way you had hoped, but there's one guarantee: life will give you an opportunity to let go of your plan whether you like it or not, that's when the magic begins to happen. 

What you'll learn in this episode:  

  • Trust that whatever path is happening for you now is the right one
  • Lara shares how she let go during her pregnancy to enlist the help of others 
  • The more we trust, the more the universe provides exactly what we need
  • When we can handle any emotion, we remain open to receive the lesson
  • When things go "wrong" maybe it means we have to practice feeling certain emotions so we can uncover why they are there.

What's a guarantee in life, is that we will definitely feel emotions we don't like. Instead of spiraling into a shame vortex, we can cultivate peace and a deep level of trust through our willingness to turn adversity into magical gifts!

How to Connect with Lara:

Web: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themomonpurpose

Facebook: www.facebook.com/larajohnsoncoaching 

Work with Lara: www.larajohnsoncoaching.com/work-with-me/ 

Click HERE to watch this video to learn The 3 Things to Avoid When Reading Self-Help Books

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